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2019 Year-end Ceremony of Joacii

2019 Year-end Ceremony of Joacii


On November 31, 2019, Joacii Jewelry held the annual end-of-year festival. At this "Fulinmen" hotel with auspicious meaning, we gathered together to celebrate the coming 2020.

Today's Joacii family is full of passion and sits together, sharing the joy of hard work over the past year. Everyone is united and happy. This grand ceremony not only affirmed the efforts of 2019, but also started a new year.

At the ceremony, General Manager Michel also shared with us everything he did when he stepped into the jewellery industry as an apprentice in the 1990s and gradually grew into a chief designer. He encouraged Joacii's team to stick to their goals, continue to work hard, and hoped that we will be able to create greater glories in 2020.

Looking back on 2019, all employees of Joacii Jewelry courageously fight. Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. In the past year, we have seized the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and achieved certain results. But at the same time we also clearly realized that opportunities and crisis coexist. In the coming year of 2020, we will also continue to make progress and strive to meet various challenges.

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