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Joacii Takes Participate in Diamond Identification Training in Panyu, Zhuangzhou, Keeping Absorbing New Technology

Joacii Takes Participate in Diamond Identification Training in Panyu, Zhuangzhou, Keeping Absorbing New Technology


Date: 25 August 2019

Time: 9.30am - 6.00pm

Panyu, Zhuangzhou

Jewelry identification training allows us to increase our knowledge of jewellery expertise and national standards and quickly improve the identification capacity. We always believe that the power of profession allows us to go further, so any opportunity to improve our professional skills will be firmly grasped. Joacii has participated in the gemstone appraisal training conference held in Panyu in September this year.

In addition to covering basic knowledge such as jewellery and jade basic knowledge and standard naming, the use of routine identification instruments, this training also includes knowledge of gemstones, diamonds, colored gemstones, jadeites, and Hetian jade and other precious metals. The training focuses on practice and emphasizes skills training.

Joacii’s team takes part in the training and they are are seriously involved. The courses are taught by experienced jewelers, jewelry appraisers, standardization experts and other senior teachers.

The rich experience and professional knowledge are our solid foundation to provide services and products for our customers. Only by continuously strengthening the two will we show our strength and sincerity. Joacii hopes that our customers will receive our sincere products and go farther with us to gain more.

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