Gia diamond certificate how gia diamonds

by:Joacii     2020-08-14
Gia diamonds? Gia is derived from the American college of gem, is short for the American college of gem GemologicalInstituteofAmerica, we often hear to buy diamond friends would say I want to buy gia diamond, why gia diamond so popular? Gia diamond certificate? Love is the only the American college of gem is by Mr. RobertShipley founded in 1931 AD, gia diamond does not mean that produced by the gia diamonds, but diamonds have an appraisal of gia, gia's contribution to the human is very big, the familiar diamond 4 c standard is founded by the gia the American college of gems, gia is the world's largest gem libraries, and diploma education is widely accepted by the world, and now the inventor of the gem microscope, gia diamonds have three diamond certificate, appraisal standard is the best diamond! So how to interpret gia diamond certificate? Certificate is mainly divided into three categories, one kind is gia certificate, no matter any weight diamond it can issue the certificate, but is mainly applied in the carat diamond, diamond parameters report is very detail, often on the diamond certificate is equipped with a diamond 350 times to the front side of the diamond studs are sketch, but such certificates are seldom on diamond laser coding, to prevent future may bring loss to diamond grinding waistline! The second type is small gia certificate, certificate content and big card basically do not have what distinction, but the sketch of magnified 350 times less, but every diamond will play on laser coding! The last category gia diamond certificate is colored diamonds, there isn't much change in the same content, but the diamond grading and other diamond grading is distinct, diamond grading is mainly according to the relative concentrations of diamond color, finally to find out the characteristics of the diamond color, and then set the color of the diamond grade, gia adopted more specific terms, to define the scope of the diamond color appearance! Gia diamond certificate is interpreted for everyone here, more knowledge welcome jewelry network of landing to consult, jewelry processing directly to consumers, the price is generally half of the jewelry store, smart buy diamond, first choice!
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