Last update: May 13, 2019 if you run paidper-
Click ads on search engines?
Paying by clicking on ads on Google and Bing is both effective and affordable, but only if you avoid theseso-
Obvious trap
You want to know if you should buy pay-per-
Click ads on search engines?
Or have you tried paying? per-
Click on the ad and feel disappointed with the result? Pay Per Click (PPC)
Search engine advertising does bring targeted, profitable traffic to many businesses and storefronts.
Unlike traditional banner advertising, in traditional banner advertising, advertisers pay for the number of times they watch ads (
Usually expressed as a cost per thousand yuan, or CPM)
, Advertisers who use paid ads per click only pay when users actually click on their ads.
However, in order for your PPC advertising campaign to be successful, you need to pay attention to some pitfalls and some related strategies.
The biggest problem with PPC advertising is that if you are not careful, you can spend your advertising budget quickly.
This is because the way you buy PPC ads involves bidding for keywords.
Search engines use various factors to determine where your paid ads are displayed relative to other paid search ads, but the amount you bid (
Pay every click)
It has a lot to do with getting a senior position.
Since most advertisers want their ads to be displayed near the top of the search results page, they raise the cost of keywords for popular terms, thus driving up the cost of advertising. If you pay $3.
Click on the keyword at 00 each time, 100 people click on the ad every day, you will spend $300 a day, or $9000 a month to click.
If you bid too low on a popular keyword, your ad will never show up.
Nevertheless, many small businesses (
And big companies)
Buy PPC ads on search engines and make a profit.
How did they do it?
Here are some of their \"secrets \".
\"For most businesses, this goal is very similar to the goal of your direct mail or any other type of advertising.
This is to attract ready-madeto-
Potential customers who purchase a specific product or service.
Remember, at the end of the day, it\'s not the number of people who click on your site that matters.
It doesn\'t have any rankings on Google, Alexa or other measurement systems.
It\'s important that these factors: the bottom line of PPC advertising is, after all, your bottom line, not the total number of people who click on your site.
It\'s tempting to link PPC search results to your home page.
After all, this is the home page on your website and you want visitors to see everything you provide.
But the home page is probably the worst place to link PPC ads.
Reason: most websites don\'t actually sell anything directly on the main page.
They use the home page like the cover of the brochure to present a beautiful \"face\" to potential customers and customers \".
Related: Is PPC advertising useful to small businesses?
Even if the site is good-
The design of a navigation structure will lead the prospects inside the site, this beautiful face is not necessarily what visitors want to see.
If they click on your PPC ad \"pearl earrings\" they will see a page with a picture of the pearl earrings you sell.
They may not be looking for information on how oysters make pearls or may not want to see (at this point)
Photos of your storefront and staff.
If they don\'t see pearl earrings at the top of the page when they click on your ad, there is a good chance that they will immediately return to the search engine results page and click on a different link.
In this case, you wasted the click fee and the customer has turned to your competitors.
Even if you sell it directly from your home page, it may not be the right place to send shoppers.
Customers who want pearl earrings may like pearl necklaces and bracelets, but they are now on the market with pearl earrings.
So if they have to scroll down the page or change the page to find your pearl earrings, they may leave before they see what you provide.
To resolve this issue, link to a specific page that sells the product you are advertising (
Called the landing page, because it \"lands\" once people click on your ad \". ).
Make sure the sales copy is clear and the order button is easy to find.
This may sound a bit contradictory, but this is not the case.
If you carefully evaluate what you sell and what customers may be looking for, you can often find keywords that get a response but are not priced.
Bing and Google both have free keyword search tools that show you the number of search terms and an estimate of the highest bid for a single keyword and phrase.
Negative keywords are keywords that prevent your ad from appearing in a particular word or term.
For example, if you are selling a safety training program, you may want to make \"free\" a negative keyword so that your ad doesn\'t show up (
And get a click)
Free safety training program \".
\"Again, if you sell handmade soap, you may want to use the\" recipe \"as a negative keyword, as you may not want to pay for the click of someone looking for a recipe for handmade soap.
Filtering out these negative keywords will help reduce the total cost of PPC.
This suggestion is not as obvious as it sounds.
From time to time I will click on the Mail that people post in the mailing list or the link that is sent to me by email.
More than a few times, when I clicked on the link, I found no error found on the page.
Either the entire site is closed or a single link in the message is broken.
Now those clicks from the mailing list don\'t cost the site owner anything (
Except for my loss of interest)
But if they use the same link in the PPC engine, they may lose money.
Although the main PPC search engine will look at your list the first time you place your list, if the link causes the page to not find an error, they will not post your list, it may take a long time for anyone from PPC to review your link again.
If you change something that breaks the link on your site, or if your site is closed, you may pay for clicking on the break link.
Learn to use the tracking, conversion, demographics, and analytics tools provided by major search engines so that you can monitor progress and make changes if necessary.
You will want to pay attention to which keywords lead to sales and which keywords do not;
What is the source of traffic being converted (
And this is not)
Even the text of your advertisement.
You or your employees should take the time to read all the training materials provided by search engines, and if this is not enough to help, then invest in a few books.
Just make sure the books are up to date as search engines always update their interface.
If you make any changes to the keywords, or accept free suggestions from the search engine team, or accept changes suggested by the paying agency, your expenses will be monitored very carefully every day (
Especially in the first few hours of change. )
Adding keywords, or allowing different features to join, can greatly increase your cost in a very short time.
About the Author: Janet Attard is the founder of the award
Win business knowledge
How about small business websites and information resources.
Janetis is also the author of the Home Office and small business answer sheet and business knowledge
How to: home operation guide-Based on Micro
Large enterprises with limited budgets.