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the rachel maddow show, transcript 01/21/17

Jim Moore, Big Bend strategy:-what about me?
It will affect his campaign.
The more he attacks her like this, the more trouble he will have.
Host: Chris Hayes?
Woman: I totally agree.
You know, I think it\'s especially about education.
She passed the community University and graduated early from the Texas Christian University with the help of a scholarship.
You know, when she got married, when she went to Harvard and had a husband who was willing to help.
Hayes: that\'s Jesse. INAUDIBLE)
Jim Moore and krydges Ball from Big Bend strategy, you can catch him here at 3: 00 on weekdaysm.
East of MSNBC.
This is \"all\" this evening \".
Rachel Mado\'s show is now on.
Good evening, Rachel.
Host: Good evening, Chris.
Thank you, my friend.
Thanks to you at home.
It will fall when it rains.
Former Virginia governor Bob McDonald and his wife, Virginia first lady Maureen McDonald, were charged today with more than a dozen felony charges by federal prosecutors.
If they are convicted of these charges and face the highest penalty permitted by law, they may face decades of imprisonment and a fine of more than $1 million.
This is a story we have been reporting from the beginning.
The first time we reported the scandal was in early last April.
But, you know, credit is due to this.
Most of the stories about this story are done by Virginia reporters at the Washington Post, and one of the key journalists is here to talk about the story, some key parts of the story were also broken by the Richmond TimesDispatch”.
The newspapers and journalists, to their credit, in the face of months of denial and obstruction by the government, insisted on Bob McDonald\'s story, to be frank, in the face of the cynical rejection of the story by many national corps regiments, they often swallow the fictional story
The governor\'s defense lawyer argued that Virginia law made excuses for such behavior by public officials and that what the governor did was normal and there would be no prosecution effort.
Well, today, it\'s not just one prosecution, it\'s more than one.
Virginia has been charged with a felony.
Also, the Washington Post was the first to report.
If you want to know where it started, it started with a chicken dinner.
On June, at the wedding of a daughter of Governor Bob McDonald, they were served a chicken dinner, which was held at the governor\'s residence on 2011.
It\'s always a good thing to have a wedding in June.
The wedding of the governor\'s daughter in June is something people like to hear.
When the wedding is held at the absolutely lovely governor\'s residence in Richmond, Virginia, this kind of thing gets a lot of attention from worship.
As charming photos of wedding and wedding lavish preparations begin to appear in the media, the governor\'s office has taken pains to point out that taxpayers in the Virginia Federation will not pay for this lavish wedding.
They made it clear that, despite this happening at the governor\'s residence, the governor and his family paid the bill in person.
It turns out this is not true.
After receiving an inquiry from The Washington Post, a spokesman for Governor Bob McDonald revised the original statement saying Governor McDonald did not pay all the expenses for his daughter\'s wedding.
She and her fiancé took on some of the costs themselves.
Specifically, the governor\'s office said that the daughter and her fiancé will bear the cost of a chicken dinner.
Governor Macdonald did not pay for food and beverage.
His daughter paid for the meal.
Paid by his daughter for meals and meals, it turns out that they actually mean that the daughter accepted payment from one of her father\'s campaign contributors as a gift, this is actually paying for that very delicious chicken dinner.
Strange, right? It was weird.
This is a sign that something might have happened here that we didn\'t expect.
This is the beginning of the report.
The initial leak about the dinner we now know is provided by the executive chef of the governor\'s residence, who has been hired by Governor MacDonald and the first lady,, they ended up arguing with them about the management of the mansion and kitchen and how they treated him as a cook.
Last fall, the dispute eventually turned into a conviction for two counts of embezzlement.
But the Cook fell without fighting.
When things began to deteriorate between him and MacDonald, the chef later explained to The Washington Journal that he began to record everything.
He took pictures of everything he thought was suspicious.
He made sure to keep the check for the wedding catering in particular because the check for the wedding catering was not from MacDonald.
Although they openly claim that they paid all the money for their wedding, that is not the case.
The dispute between the MacDonald couple and the chef eventually led to charges of misdemeanor against the chef.
It also led to a series of embarrassing revelations about Governor Bob McDonald and his family, especially their performance with respect to taxpayers --
At the governor\'s residence in Virginia.
A motion by the chef\'s lawyer sets out the details of what the governor, the first lady and their children took from the mansion, these are the things they use themselves-bottled water, cups, Gatorade is more than just a protein powder, eggs, white wine that a child of Macdonald drinks, and her boyfriend, the first lady took out the pot bowl pans basin from the mansion kitchen and gave it to MacDonald\'s children.
The chef\'s lawyer\'s motion eventually led to the Washington Post\'s request for the Freedom of Information Act, and then further detailed what the first family did for itself, or came out directly from the governor\'s residence, or something they just bought for themselves on a mansion credit card.
For example, hummus, lime corn flakes, toilet paper, shower gel, deodorant, dry cleaning, shoe repair, some kind of detox cleaning, nose spray.
Something called sleep.
Induction agent.
And dog vitamins.
The dog is reportedly ginger. She`s adorable.
She is a shelf/terrier combination and she needs vitamins.
The Macdonald family reportedly paid Virginia taxpayers $9.
Taxpayers buy money for dogs
The revelations were embarrassing, and eventually governor MacDonald and his family paid back the cost of the dog vitamins and a few other things in the state.
But it turned out that the controversy with the chef and the improper spending he did for them did not end up being a scandal.
Specifically, the scandal ended up with a check for the chef to copy for the chicken dinner.
Specifically, who sent the check.
The chicken dinner was actually paid by Johnny Williams, CEO of the Virginia company called Star Scientific.
Star science believes it releases the health benefits of tobacco.
They invented an-
A pill called Anatabloc.
Star Scientific is headquartered in Virginia.
The CEO is a good person.
The wealthy and CEOs who also live in Virginia clearly believe that they are the key to Ananta\'s success.
We now know that the company is trying to incorporate Anatabloc into the health program for employees in Virginia.
They seek support from the state government for the Study of the health benefits of Anatoly and its active ingredients.
In fact, it\'s not a crime that they want to provide these things for their own companies and products.
From the point of view of the tobacco pill company, this is not even unreasonable.
But the Justice Department claimed in today\'s complaint that 43-page, 14-
The Earl\'s complaint, the Justice Department claimed it was a crime, what happened between the ambitious company CEO and Virginia Governor Bob McDonald, as it turned out, it\'s not just the $15,000 chicken dinner he paid for at his wedding.
As recorded in news reports over the past nine months, and 43-
Today, Johnny Williams offers gifts and loans to Governor Bob McDonald and his family from the date of Bob McDonald\'s inauguration.
When it finally began to stop in last March, when the MacDonald family finally began to answer questions from law enforcement, the list of things they took was amazing.
The CEO\'s plane has free flights for tens of thousands of dollars.
At the governor\'s daughter\'s wedding, $15,000 for a chicken dinner.
The governor\'s other daughter needs another $10,000 for her wedding. Round-
The governor\'s daughter is on a solo trip to a bachelor\'s party. A four-
A day trip to Cape Cod includes a private cabin for yachts, golf, resorts, and a private jet to and from. A three-
Holiday in multiple days
The Million Lake House, including a boat rented to them for use during their stay, and a $190,000 white Ferrari for the governor to drive there.
Shopping spree for the first lady in New York, including a brilliant day in April 2011, it is said that the bill for Oscar de la lunta is $10,999, the bill for Louis Vuitton is more than $5,000, at Bergdorf Goodman, there are more than $2,000 in a day.
Over $7,000 worth of golf, including greens fees and golf equipment, and food and drinks consumed by the governor and his son\'s exclusive golf resort golf course, which does not belong to them, but they often play there, and put all this on the label of the CEO of the company.
A $6,500 Rolex watch is engraved with the words \"governor of Virginia 71.
\"A check for $50,000 is given to First Lady Maureen McDonald.
Bob McDonald and a real estate company run by his sister received another $70,000 check.
Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars increase in campaign donations, mainly to provide free private jet travel for the governor.
While this is an amazing array of things for the governor and his family, it is not necessarily a crime in itself.
I mean, there may be reporting requirements for some of these gifts.
Taxes and banking may be involved there.
But when you\'re governor in Virginia, taking so many loot from a guy, it\'s definitely not something that will necessarily get you sued for yourself.
That\'s just an exchange.
Federal prosecutors charged the exchange of conditions.
Federal prosecutors say what they can prove is the core charge in the indictment, and the core charge of the federal prosecutor is
Star science CEO, Governor MacDonald, and his wife quoted largess as saying, \"participating in a plan to take advantage of Robert McDonald\'s official position as governor of Virginia, enriching the accused and his family by asking for and obtaining payments, loans, and other valuable things from the CEO and his company in exchange for Governor MacDonald and the Office of the governor of Virginia, take official action to legalize, promote, and get research on CEO products.
So, we know a bunch of loot from the CEO of that company to the governor and his family.
We know what they got.
Today\'s indictment means that federal prosecutors think they can prove the opposite.
They think they can prove what the governor\'s office has done for the company, which is an exchange of loot.
The company\'s magic tobacco pill has a kick-off party, which is held at the governor\'s residence and attended by the governor and first lady.
Virginia\'s first lady touted the magic of tobacco pills at two events in Virginia and Michigan. It was a top-
A level meeting set up by the governor\'s office between the company\'s CEO and senior health officials in Virginia.
No, let the governor and his wife hold two meetings with senior Virginia health officials and the company that brought them so much.
The governor smiled and raised a magic bottle of tobacco pills at a seminar in Richmond, convincing doctors to recommend this magic pill to their patients.
If you would like to see a snapshot of the timeline here, and the reasons that led to these allegations, the indictment itself is an amazing thing.
This is written on the indictment.
From July 28 to July 31, 2011 Governor and Mrs.
MacDonald and their family are many in the CEO.
Million dollar holiday home in Lake Smith.
Maureen MacDonald had previously called the CEO to ask if his Ferrari would be used at the home of Governor MacDonald.
The CEO arranged for a star Science employee to ship Ferrari from Richmond to Lake Smith so that the defendant could use Ferrari during the holidays.
Then, look at this.
The last night of the holiday, 7: 47. m.
Molin McDonald on Sunday night
Sent the CEO a photo of her husband, Governor Bob McDonald, driving a Ferrari.
Later that evening, 11: 29m.
The governor himself sent an email.
An email to the Minister of Health of Virginia said that I would like one of your deputies to attend a briefing at 10: 00 in the building at minister fells\'s officem.
About this company tomorrow morning.
The first lady will come. That e-
The mail was sent at 11: 29. m.
On Sunday night, he was driving around the guy\'s Ferrari on the weekend while staying at Guy\'s millions
Lake dollar villa.
10: 00 The next morningm.
Ferrari CEO and first lady and the Minister of Health did send a briefing to his senior policy advisor.
Good job if you can get it, right?
The CEO defended his pill and said he had discussed it personally with Governor MacDonald.
He advised employees of the Virginia government to use the drug as a control group in the study.
On the same day, the CEO met privately with the first lady.
The first lady asked the CEO, hey, what brand of watch are you wearing?
He said it was Rolex.
She told the CEO that she wanted to buy a piece for Governor MacDonald because he also wanted a Rolex watch.
The CEO reportedly expressed concern about whether senior government officials like the governor of Virginia would be willing to be seen wearing such flashy luxury goods, Molin McDonald told the CEO, she wanted him to buy a Rolex watch for the governor.
The CEO then bought the Rolex watch for the governor. at the request of the first lady, it was engraved with the words of Governor Virginia 71.
According to the indictment, it\'s all at work for the day.
The indictment claims that all of this, from his photo at Ferrari to \"this is the inscription I would like on Rolex, and the indictment claims that all of this happened between Sunday evening, July 31 and the day after Monday, August 1.
Today, it is announced that Senator Mike Lee will receive a tea party response to President Obama\'s State of the Union address this year.
We don\'t know who the Republican response will be, but the tea party response will be Mike Lee.
For four years in a row, Republicans and tea parties have reacted separately to the state of the Union.
While this is a strange tactic for Republicans, you know, the Republican official response itself is very poor, even without competition from themselves, with these tea party addresses
I mean, Bobby Jindal, forgive me for bombing it in his response to this.
Marco Rubio and great water arrived, and Marco Rubio also conducted a bombing response in his State of the Union address.
Mickey Daniels looks like he\'s just popped up from the coffin long enough for the bat to fly out before he sends a message to your state of life.
In the Obama era, the Republican response and the Tea Party response in the federal state are usually terrible.
But not Bob McDonald\'s, not when he did it.
When Bob McDonald did it, he made it. (
Start Video Editing)THEN-GOV. BOB MCDONNELL (R)
Virginia: Good evening.
I\'m Bob McDonald.
11 days ago, I was honored to be sworn in as governor of Virginia. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MADDOW: eleven days.
Bob McDonald has been a rising star for so many years, partly because he has carried himself up very well.
He\'s like the president.
Yes, of course, you will know that he is a president if you pay attention, and he may force you to do a medically unnecessary vaginal ultrasound probe, but, still.
The Washington Post reported on December that,S.
When the governor was in office in December, counsel was prepared to bring these charges against Bob and Maureen McDonald, which would make him the first current Virginia governor to be criminally prosecuted in the state\'s history.
Federal Justice Department officials in Washington reportedly intervened and asked prosecutors to postpone the prosecution.
The charges were postponed until 11 days after the governor\'s change in Virginia.
So 11 days after his inauguration, he gave a state of the Union address response, and everyone said he would be the next Republican process.
11 days after his departure, 14 felony charges, which could have been in prison for decades, could have been fined $1 million if he had been convicted.
The allegations were strongly denied today by Governor Bob McDonald.
He said it was a sign of the federal government\'s ultra vires. (
Start Video Editing)
MacDonald: Good evening.
I\'m here with my wife Maureen, my daughter Kailin and my son-in-
Chris, I really appreciate the opportunity to address the people of Virginia here tonight.
I came to you this evening, and as a person who was wrongly charged, his public service was wrongly attacked.
I didn\'t do anything illegal for Mr.
In exchange, I think it is his personal friendship and generosity.
I will take advantage of all the resources and advocates I have, as long as I need to fight and win against these false accusations and unfair excesses of the federal government.
I am unable to fully express how grateful I am for the continued strong support and encouragement I have received over the past few months, including today, from family and friends, people who have worked with me in public life for 37 years.
So I thank them tonight for their support in the most difficult and unexpected ordeal of my life.
My family and I are very grateful. (END VIDEO CLIP)
If these allegations are confirmed, Governor Bob McDonald may face decades of imprisonment and a fine of more than $1 million.
But from this point of view, there is only one last point here.
Four years ago, Bob McDonald became governor of Virginia this month.
Four years ago this month, the two US governors were sworn in for the first time, and the two were first elected in 2009, the unusual year of non-annual elections, the two governors are Bob McDonald of Virginia and Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey.
They are the only two bumper countries this year.
The Washington Post political correspondent Rosalind Helderman has joined us now. ” Ms.
Thank you very much, Helderman.
It\'s so nice to have you here.
Rosalind helderman, Washington Post reporter: Thank you very much for inviting me.
MADDOW: So you \'ve been covering the issue intensively since the beginning.
I have to ask you if this would be summed up if I-if you hear anything I\'m doing wrong, or if it sounds basically in line with your understanding.
I think you\'re basically done.
Okay, thank you.
According to your report to date, is there anything in the actual indictment that you didn\'t expect?
Hedman: You know, I think the indictment adds a lot of nuance and detail to the story that we \'ve been rolling out in the last few months.
One thing that I think surprised me and many others is how strong the indictment is.
For months we have heard from the governor that, as he said again today, he has not done anything illegal.
I think that if there is an indictment, many people in Virginia will be expected, which may feel a bit like a slap in the face of the wrist indictment.
This is not what we get.
We have seen 14 felony charges by the governor and first lady.
As you said, they face decades of jail.
This is a very powerful indictment.
MADDOW: Sadly, it\'s not uncommon for governors in our country to end up drowning in hot water.
But it\'s rare in Virginia.
For Virginia, this is the first time that it is really proud of relatively clean government and relative scandals --
Free executive leadership.
Is this an important factor in this prosecution, because of its political significance, its chances of success?
This is an interesting question, you know. You`re right.
Virginia is called the way to Virginia.
It is a feeling that people enter an elected position out of gentleman\'s sense of public service.
People just don\'t do this in Virginia.
Not from New Jersey.
Not Illinois.
They will choose jurors who have this impression of the country.
So whether or not that means they\'re more likely to give the governor the benefit of doubt, because they like him and look at him that way, or if that means, you know, they were shocked and more likely to hold them accountable.
We have to see.
MADDOW: Rosalind, can you tell the indictment, who has been working with the prosecutor in relation to their filing?
Several people have been mentioned by their initials, and Johnny Williams, the star Science CEO, is clearly one of them.
Is there anyone else mentioned in this case, or can you see that they have been working together?
Hedman: Obviously, the governor\'s staff has been interviewed.
I don\'t know they had a very pleasant interview, but some of them apparently provided accounts that the government thought would be useful.
I think the same is true of the first lady\'s staff.
I think it would be unfair to say that the indictment shows that they have reported them or something like that.
But they offer some kind of honest feeling about what\'s going on, and the government may find these answers useful.
It is interesting though that the defense has come up very strongly and said that they will not only question Obama\'s credibility
Williams, I think everyone is looking forward to it, but there is also another witness whose initials are the chief of staff of the first lady.
They will also question her credibility. MADDOW: Wow. Wow. Amazing stuff.
Rosalind Helderman is the ground-breaking reporter for The Washington Post.
\"When reporting this story, you and your colleagues in the post have been ahead of the team.
Congratulate you on leading this story that everyone else is chasing now.
It\'s nice to have you here.
HELDERMAN: Thank you.
I appreciate it.
MADDOW: Thank you.
Well, we have more to do, including another day in 2009 when another Republican governor, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, was elected.
There\'s a lot to do tonight. (
Business break)
MADDOW: One thing about the criminal indictment is that you get a lot of details.
For example, in the Bob McDonald corruption scandal in Virginia, in the past nine months or so, there have been many reports about the gifts the governor and his family received from the CEO of the Virginia Company, he played an important role in the scandal.
However, before today, before the actual indictment comes out, including the list of confiscated items that McDonald\'s governor and his wife will hand over if convicted, this list of confiscated items, we never had such details about what they took.
But now we know they will have to hand over no less than $140,805 if convicted. 46.
In addition, black Rebecca Minkoff shoes, black Louis Vuitton shoes, white Louis Vuitton shoes, cream Louis Vuitton wallet, silver Rolex watch, yellow Peter Sam engraved with \"governor of Virginia 71 (ph)
A blue Armani jacket, two matching clothes, two golden Oscar de la lunta dresses, a black Louis Vuitton raincoat, A golden Oscar de la lunta, a pair of Emilio rose earrings, a sweatshirt, two pairs of Footjoy golf shoes, a Ralph Lauren shirt, and a white Peter Miller golf shirt, A baby blue striped Peter Miller golf shirt, a royal blue Peter Miller golf shirt, a water polo Green Tech golf shirt, a white Virginia university golf bag, golden Rock golf Bag, 1 Sun Mountain golf bag, 2 sets of golf clubs, 1 watercolor frame by Heather McKenzie, 2 iphone and 30 boxes by Anatabloc.
All of this is reported to be a gift from the governor and his wife and family from the CEO of the company that made Anatabloc.
Join us now to discuss this 14-
The possibility of accusing felony and prosecution of corruption is Kendall Coffey. Mr.
Kendall is the former president of the United States. S.
He\'s now a legal analyst at NBC News.
Kendall Coffey, thank you so much for being with us.
Kendall Coffey, legal analyst at NBC News: Hey.
Thank you for inviting me.
MADDOW: So here are allegations of false statements and obstruction of investigation, basically allegations related to the cover --
Trying to escape justice.
But in my opinion, the core charge here is basically bribery.
Is this correct when you look at this indictment?
Coffey: it doesn\'t use the word bribe, but what it really means is that there is an ongoing plan to get all sorts of personal benefits.
In fact, most of the close to $140,000 are cash projects-this is a pretty interesting list of consumer items that you just detailed with the aim of getting favorable treatment from the governor\'s office.
That is specific enough in terms of the favourable treatment sought, so I think the federal prosecutor can make a successful allegation, although the defense would argue that, here, you must have more specific exchange conditions.
It\'s not like the governor will veto or not veto the legislation, nor will it be like signing some specific bills under your temptations.
This is more of a strategic relationship in terms of getting help, perhaps through research surveys where some private suppliers want to get help from the governor.
MADDOW: the governor\'s response today is that he says the whole prosecution is based on a new legal theory and no one has ever been prosecuted for such a thing before.
What do you think of Governor McDonald\'s defense line?
Coffey: it\'s nothing new.
When public officials try to turn private parties into ATMs, the government claims here that this is for the benefit of a variety of individuals, golf trips, family vacations, cash in advance, loans, whatever you call it, $120,000. that\'s nothing new.
If the government can prove this, it is a crime.
The government already has multiple theories that have been verified and tested in other corruption cases.
It sounds like you think this is a strong charge.
I just spoke to Rosalind Helderman of The Washington Post, who is one of the main journalists in this regard.
One of the things that she was surprised by the indictment as a journalist, she said, was that, at least from the point of view of laymen, it seemed like a strong indictment.
This seems to be your point too. COFFEY: Yes.
Very, very detailed. we have e-mails.
The former first lady basically said we were broke.
You have to come over and help me get some money here.
I think a few of the factors that would generate additional strength in front of the jury are that the governor of the former Minister of Justice, for example, must know where the line is, where the line is not, the indictment says, he failed to disclose large amounts of loans on financial applications.
Maybe some people will say I forgot, but I\'m not sure if this is something that the former attorney general can get away.
From the prosecution\'s point of view, this really brings passion and interest to the jury, and the other thing is the list you share with the audience.
When you\'re talking about Louis Vuitton, when you\'re talking about Rolex, when you\'re talking about Armani, things that might have a juror going into the case with an open mind.
All of a sudden, when they hear something greedy that looks extravagant, something they never want to have, all of a sudden, you see their reaction, right in court
They will have a different view of everything in this case.
So the government has a lot of details.
I think the elements that give this power in court are correct.
Kendall Coffey, former president of the United StatesS.
Lawyer and NBC News legal analyst, thank you very much for joining us tonight to help us understand this.
I appreciate it.
Thanks, Rachel.
MADDOW: I would say, just because I \'ve been immersed in the indictment since the indictment came out this afternoon, and I have to say that the bribe did show up.
Defendant, Robert F.
MacDonald, Maureen MacDonald, and others known and unknown to the grand jury, deliberately and deliberately, designed and intended to design a scheme and technique, to defraud citizens of Virginia by bribery of their right to an honest service of the governor of Virginia.
In addition, there is the word \"blackmail\" after two pages.
It\'s absolute-it\'s a shameful story from the start, but I have to admit that the details in this indictment, even a layman, are almost bent in mind.
I can hardly believe this is not a move. All right.
Today is the inauguration of Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey.
Many of the events surrounding the governor\'s bridge scandal finally broke out today, despite other scandals, despite the inauguration, despite the huge snowstorm facing the East Coast as I speak. Lots ahead. Stay with us. (
Business break)
MADDOW: in the middle of all the intense political news today and the huge snowstorm that hit the East Coast, today is also election day.
Today is the day of the Virginia people in all the troubled people in the country, and not only must the Virginia people accept the news that their nearest governor is being criminally prosecuted today, but today, people in Northern Virginia have also had to vote for a special election that could eventually decide which party controls the state\'s Senate.
Control of the Senate will not be determined in Virginia until another match is recounted, but tonight\'s match is equally crucial to the outcome.
The vote ended at 7: 00. m.
In a special election in the 33 th district of North Virginia Senate
Now, 100% of the region reports that the Associated Press has announced that Democratic Party Jennifer wickston, who is running for the campaign, won 52.
7% of the voteShe`s a pro-choice, pro-
Gun reform North Virginia Democrat, who defeated a Republican in this race called John Whitbeck, and another Republican named Joe May, as an independent
Jennifer wickston\'s victory tonight means that control over the Virginia Senate now depends on the recount of the other special Senate elections in Virginia\'s sixth district.
Now, the risk of recounting tickets is very high.
If the Democratic Party wins the recount, the Democratic Party will control the Senate in Virginia.
If Republicans win a recount, they will control the Senate. Big deal.
Look at this space. (
Business break)
MADDOW: Late Thursday, on the last Thursday night, an emergency conference call was held in great New Jersey.
The conference call was hosted by the man named Todd Christie.
You can see the family similarities there.
You know, Todd Christie is the brother of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Now, in this conference call, Todd Christie calls directly
Pay minute cash for Governor Christie\'s upcoming inauguration celebration (including one day)
Long party at the end of Ellis Island.
The choice of the venue should turn Chris Christie\'s second term into a grand high-class inauguration. profile, all-
The US incident did not happen to stress that Governor Christie wanted to be his own bipartisan appeal on immigration.
So Ellis Island.
But a few days before the big party, Governor Christie\'s allies found themselves missing cash from the party.
The governor\'s brother Todd had a conference call with some of the governor\'s most loyal and important people. money donors.
Then, according to the New York Times, the governor himself joined the line, trying to convince his audience that he was going beyond the George Washington Bridge scandal to get back to work.
It was Thursday night.
Governor Chris Christie is trying to reassure his most loyal donors that the bridge scandal is completely over and that they should raise big money for his inauguration.
It was Thursday night.
Then it happened on Friday morning.
Quote \"The next day, as the investigation into the bridge scandal expanded, state investigators sent 20 subpoenas to Chris Christie\'s core circle.
\"With me, ladies and gentlemen, I swear, it\'s all behind me.
Don\'t pay attention to the summons.
Today is Chris Christie\'s inauguration in New Jersey, because the God of the press, as always, has an impeccable sense of time.
Before today\'s celebration, most of the coverage was about what interest people had in celebrating Chris Christie, given the start of his second term.
The governor himself had to call a few nights before the payday to beg for money to pay for the event.
The inauguration organizers have extra tickets, and even on the eve of the event, they desperately want to send tickets.
A Republican leader in New Jersey told the Wall Street Journal that it was difficult for them to fill the vacancy.
The governor\'s dinner scheduled for tonight in Jersey City was suddenly canceled.
Earlier last week, it was canceled due to a lack of response from the report.
People just don\'t buy tickets for it.
And then, there\'s a big, all
American inauguration party on Ellis Island
It was also canceled.
For Chris Christie, the good news today can be said to be a snow storm sweeping northeast.
The snowstorm made it a perfectly normal political decision to cancel some celebrations just because of bad weather.
The bad news for Chris Christie is that on the day he took office, that day should be a big win after his cruise
The election, today, the New Jersey legislature decided to eventually get the house in their investigation into the ongoing bridge scandal.
In this show last night, you will remember that we talked to Democratic state legislature John widenski.
As of last night, he was chairman of the New Jersey special committee for parliamentary inquiry.
In addition to his committee in Parliament, the New Jersey Senate has set up its own committee to investigate the bridge scandal, and every chamber of the New Jersey Legislature is conducting its own investigation. Awkward, right?
This embarrassment is no longer present today.
Today, the legislative leaders of New Jersey announced that instead of letting the two committees investigate the incident at the same time, they will step on each other\'s toes and block each other. they will join forces, A joint committee of state assemblies and state Senate members was formed.
That would be eight Democrats and four Republicans, because Democrats make up the majority of both institutions.
In fact, this is a great development.
As far as the legislative investigation of potential misconduct here is concerned, it will be a comprehensive effort, rather than two parallel investigations on different tracks, and as I said, it may get in the way of each other.
The decision also addresses the issue of whether the Legislature and New Jersey taxpayers will pay for more than one expensive lawyer to help advance the investigation.
We know the answer now.
It was a hot day for former federal prosecutors to help Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich step down, who was already hired by the State Council.
He will be the main special committee of the entire legislature.
There will not be a second special lawyer brought in, as previously expected.
So today\'s decision to sort out the Commission addresses the question of who is in charge and who is the special adviser?
But it also raises some problems.
Last week, the State Council, in this case, sent 20 subpoenas to a long list of people believed to be involved in the bridge scandal to some extent.
The state Senate hasn\'t issued any summons yet, but the Senate president did say last week that she named three people, who she intended to call.
Two of them, Port Authority Chairman David Samson and Chris Christie\'s incoming chief of staff Regina Eglia, were one of the 20 people who received the summons from the State Council in any case.
But the third appointed by the Senate, a Port Authority director named Pat Schuber, did not receive a subpoena from the parliament.
Now that the investigation has been merged, will he get one now?
The Assembly did not want to talk to them.
The Senate says they have
Now that the Parliament and the Senate are together, has he received a subpoena? We don`t know.
This is a problem.
One more question.
Last week, when the New Jersey legislature voted to set up these committees, both houses voted in unison.
Every Republican in Parliament and every Republican in the Senate and every Democrat voted for it.
However, since then, some high
Senior Republicans have decided that they are opposed to the New Jersey legislature investigating the scandal, because now they say the scandal has become a partisan investigation, even though they just voted for it last week.
At the same time as the establishment of this new joint committee, the Legislature needs a new vote.
Will Republicans still vote?
Will this give those Republicans who now say they oppose the investigation a chance?
Boat, try to kill the investigation, or at least turn it into an all
The democratic thing, rather than the previous two parties, unanimously improved our investigation today.
Stick to this idea.
The next thing to join us is the people who know these things. Stay with us. (
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
CNN Van Jones: You\'re running for governor.
You know the importance of the Republican Governors Association.
Chris Christie is now in charge of this.
Do you think it would be fair for your party for him to continue in this role?
Ken kutchelli (R)
Former va atty.
General: I think it makes sense to just put this issue aside as an issue of other races that he gave up the role.
He did not serve the organization\'s objectives as chairman.
CNN Newt Gingrich: Let me ask you-kutchinelli: it doesn\'t mean that any allegations, both politically and otherwise, are substantial.
It\'s okay.
Perception is reality. (END VIDEO CLIP)
That\'s Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia\'s attorney general and the failed Republican nominee to succeed Governor Bob McDonnell in Virginia.
Governor Bob McDonald was charged today with 14 federal felony charges.
Governor MacDonald was first elected governor in 2009, while Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey was first elected governor.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says Ken kutchelli should step down as president of the Republican Governors Association tonight due to the scandal surrounding him. Got it? Yes.
It\'s hard to track at this point.
Matt Katz is joining us now.
He is a reporter for WNYC and he has been covering extensively the Chris Christie and the New Jersey bridge scandal. Mr.
Thank you very much for coming, Katz.
Matt Katz: of course, Rachel.
MADDOW: So, the biggest substantive development in today\'s story in New Jersey is that the Senate and Parliament are coming together and they are merging their two investigations.
What does this mean?
Yes, it\'s a big deal.
Democrats were embarrassed that they had the dueling committees issue two subpoenas.
So they finally reached an agreement on this and helped themselves.
The governor, remember, he said he would cooperate with all the appropriate investigations in this regard.
Now they have taken away an opportunity, a potential legal opportunity, and he will have to complain about the two committees and go to the judge and say these are overburdensome.
It is not possible for me to respond to both committees, or my people should not be forced to respond to both sets of subpoenas.
So, they take this away from the governor now, and they can put together a unified committee with a piece of information.
I mean, you can imagine that the media even separated themselves to attend hearings on both committees at the same time.
That\'s what they have to do, and it\'s interesting that they announced the news within minutes of Governor Christie\'s inauguration today.
I mean, I was waiting for it to start at the inauguration across the street from state court, listening to a children\'s choir, and the Democrats announced it at a press conference.
So, their timing is also very interesting.
It was a small punishment there.
Mado: Matt, let me ask you a question about that scenario, because one of the concerns is that one of the specific concerns about having two committees is David Samson, chairman of the Port Authority, key figures in the scandal
Loretta Weinberg of the Senate said that I intend to call him from the Senate.
The parliament did call him.
One problem is that he will fight a subpoena from both sides, and maybe it will be a way to fight both sides.
It is reported that David Samson is not only on the inauguration ceremony today, but also on the stage of the Governor?
Did you see it? KATZ: I did.
It\'s-it\'s pretty amazing.
Loretta Winberg is on stage and he is on stage.
The chief auditor of the conference, John vitavski, was on stage.
It\'s incredible.
I mean, the governor did not mention Bridgegate at one time.
He didn\'t even really mention it, but because of the people there, it hangs very thick in the air, like David Samson, he is the only real link between the two scandals that are happening, the scandal that is happening, the Bridgegate and the Hoboken situation.
He was there, and the interrogators were there.
Of course, for those who are not like Bridget Kelly, it is obvious that they will have a place on stage today.
But, of course, she lost her job in this case.
Matt Katz, a reporter at WNYC, has been following the story.
Matt, thank you for helping us understand this extraordinary scene today.
I appreciate you being here today.
You see, Rachel.
We will be back soon.
We have an important correction that you might like. Stay with us. (
Business break)
I\'m sorry.
Earlier in the show, I said that the two governors elected in 2009 were Bob MacDonald, who of course had just been charged with bribery charges by federal prosecutors, Chris Christie, who has good-
Documented ongoing problems in New Jersey, including where federal prosecutors are investigating him.
I was wrong.
There was a third governor in that election.
Off-season in 2009
It is the governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Do you remember the scandal of Jack Abramoff?
On 2009, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands re-elected Jack Abramov\'s former ally, Ben fitia, as governor. That was 2009.
In four years, the president became the first governor in American history. S.
Territory impeached
One of the allegations was that he ordered the release of a prisoner so that the prisoner could give him a massage.
You see, his private masseur is in prison and he wants a massage, so he orders the man to come out of prison. Seriously.
In addition, the governor was accused of using the port police to help at the time-
The Minister of Justice fled the island in order to escape his criminal charges.
So, using the police as an escape car to help your friends get on the forest, which usually puts the governor in trouble no matter where you are in power.
He was impeached by the Northern Mariana House, and then before the Northern Mariana Senate attacked him, Governor fitiya resigned last year.
But when I said earlier that two governors were elected in 09, there were in fact three governors.
The one who was indicted today, the one whose government is under intensive investigation in New Jersey, and the prison.
Ben fitia in the Northern Mariana Islands was given, helped and incited. I`m sorry. I forgot.
2009 is a loud noise.
The governor\'s year, right?
It\'s time for \"The last word of Lawrence O\'Donnell.
Have a good evening. Massage!
This is a report card in a hurry.
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