
What are the benefits to the human body for girls wearing sterling silver jewelry?

by:Joacii     2021-03-10
What are the benefits to the human body for girls wearing sterling silver jewelry? -Accessories: Many girls who love beauty often wear sterling silver jewelry on their hands at road crossings. For the bracelet, it is not only an ornament, but also has great benefits to the human body if worn for a long time. , Let the author of the sterling silver jewelry manufacturer introduce to you. Girls wearing sterling silver jewelry can be divided into three major benefits: 1. Detoxification. If you feel that your body is not good, you can wear some sterling silver jewelry appropriately. We all know that this is a silver thing that can absorb the body. The toxins, if worn normally, can effectively promote the body to expel toxins and some metabolic waste. 2. Testing for toxins. Since sterling silver jewelry can detox and test the amount of toxins, it was often seen in TV dramas that many people use silver needles to test poisons. In fact, this is similar to the principle of silver bracelets, but most people wear them. The bracelet is just for beauty, but what I don’t know is that I often wear the bracelet and test the body's physique. If your body is poor, a layer of black will be attached to the sterling silver bracelet, indicating that your body has too much toxins. Up. If you wear it brighter and brighter, it proves that your physique is good. 3. Sterilization The sterilization mentioned here means that the silver ions in pure silver jewelry can kill viruses and bacteria in the water, because silver ions can form charged ions in the water, which can adsorb viruses and bacteria in the water, thereby making bacteria and viruses They lose the ability to reproduce and metabolize, thereby killing them, so if women often wear pure silver jewelry, it will also have a sterilization effect, and it is also beneficial to health. The above are three kinds of sterling silver jewellery's benefits for the human body. I hope it will help you. If you want to order sterling silver jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, bracelets and other four-piece sets), you are welcome to call Consultation: Mr. Wang
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